Asia's Biggest Jackpot System Based on Bamboo.

Our mission is to restore the ecological integrity of our environment by rewarding community. Every bamboo you buy will enable you every month to win exciting jackpots up to INR 1,00,000.

Jackpot Countdown

Bumper Jackpot
1,00,000 INR

With every bamboo you buy, we enable your chances to win exciting jackpots. You will automatically be enrolled into huge jackpot prizes. 

How It Works?

Every month our system randomly selects top 4 lucky winners from the list of people who have purchased bamboo trees from us within a month.
You buy and we harvest the bamboo tree. At the end of the month lucky winners will be published in the website and will be contacted by us. 
Follow these 3 simple steps:
∗ Buy a seed  ∗ We Grow It  ∗ You Win

Winners of the month

Featured Bamboo

Why Bharat Bamboo Mission?

Bamboo is a versatile group of plants which is capable of providing ecological, economic and livelihood security of the people. India has the highest area (13.96 million HA.) under bamboo and is the second richest country, in terms of bamboo diversity with 136 species…


Khrime Naprantsu

Extremely innovative concept! Planting seeds and earring such huge amounts is surely a win win situation for all.

Mandeep Sethi

I highly admire oxipot. Motivating the people to take steps in changing the environment and bringing huge reforms with great monetary benefits. 

Anurag Srivastava

Great initiative and loved the idea. Waiting for jackpot results.